Teen Library Council

Teen Survey

Please complete the following survey.

Please provide the following information:

Street Address
Zip/Postal Code
Home Phone
PINES Card #:

Which school do you attend:


How often do you visit the library?

If you use the library, what do you use it for? Select all that apply:

Checking out books/magazines for personal use                                   
selecting videos                                                 
Using the computers to play games or chat                                                                     
Meeting and talking with friends                                                
Checking out books/magazines for homework 
Using library equipment (copiers & fax machine)
Checking out audio books
Using computers to access the internet 
Using computers to type papers and reports
Checking out videos or assisting parents in selecting videos
Quiet place to do homework 
Attending programs 
Watching videos
Getting information for school assignments

Why don't you use the library?:

Can't get to the library-no transportation                                          
Bad experience in past with library staff    
Not enough time/too busy doing other things
Nothing in the library to interest me
Not sure what the library has to offer me
Don't need it    

What would make the library easy to use? Select all that apply:

More staff to help you
More help in learning how to use library materials
More help in learning how to use the computers
Better selection of materials for teenagers
Programs on interesting topics

What do you like to read? Select all that apply:

Science Fiction                           
Series books (Fear Street, Sweet Valley)  

What types of programs would you like to attend? Select all that apply:

Meet radio DJ            Teen Swap Meet           
Game Hour                Homework/Study Sessions
Poetry Slam              Book Discussions         
Author Talks             College/Career Night   
Yoga                     Calligraphy              
Sports                   Babysitting             
Computers                Problem-Solving          
Crafts                   Plays                  
Writing                  Other                    

Other programs you would like to attend that are not listed:

Who are your favorite authors ?

What Non-fiction subjects do you like to read about ?

What would be the best time for you to attend programs?

What makes you come to the library ?

What do you dislike about the library ?

How would you make the library better?

List two of your favorite magazines.



Which do you prefer to read? 

Would you be interested in volunteering? 

If yes, what type of volunteer opportunities are you interested in? 

Thank you for your feedback.

TLC  | About Us | Join Us | SurveysInformation | Terrell County Library

Copyright  2002
Teen Library Council
Terrell County Public Library
Claudia Copeland, Librarian
Created and maintained by:  Romaine Richardson
                                          TLC Program  Coordinator
Revised:  May 28, 2002