What is a Teen Advisory Group?

Group of middle and high school students that meet once a month to discuss library issues as they pertain to young adults and teens.

What do you do?

Members of Teen Advisory Groups work with library personnel to help make the public library more teen friendly, they create and maintain a website, help with library sponsored teen activities and events, help librarians in deciding which books or materials to buy for the teen collection, talk about books, encourage new ideas, increase library awareness in schools and the community, review and discuss books, become involved in community projects, assist in developing  teen programs, perform community outreach services, and volunteer for various library events.

What are the benefits of joining?

You will have an active voice in issues concerning you and the services and materials  provided for your age group;  you will feel personal satisfaction in serving your community; it is something fun and interesting, you will get the chance to meet new people; it will look good on your college or job applications; and you get refreshments and the chance to win prizes.

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Copyright  2002
Teen Library Council
Terrell County Public Library
Claudia Copeland, Librarian
Created and maintained by:  Romaine Richardson
                                          TLC Program  Coordinator
Revised:  May 28, 2002